Image placeholder Gemüsehof Baronick

Gemüsehof Baronick

  1. Today Closed
  2. Fri
  3. Sat

The Baronicks grow their own vegetables. A wide range of species and varieties are cultivated on relatively small plots. Of course, you will find broccoli, green cauliflower, arugula, beetroot, aubergines and tomato peppers here – but also rarities from regional cultivation such as artichokes, cardoons, sweetcorn, broad beans, Jerusalem artichokes, black radishes, parsnips, Teltow turnips and postelein. Wilfried and Sibylle are cultivating around 25 hectares in Burg in the Spreewald region in a unique way: with so-called ‘controlled integrated production’, they are ensuring that biodiversity and regional food supply work hand in hand going forward. The emphasis does not lie on the maximum possible yield, but on good flavour and high nutritional value.

Of course, you can also get the famous Spreewald gherkins here, whether pickled or fresh to pickle yourself. In green and yellow, for the jar or a salad.

Image placeholder Gemüsehof Baronick
Image placeholder Gemüsehof Baronick
Image placeholder Gemüsehof Baronick
Image placeholder Gemüsehof Baronick
Image placeholder Gemüsehof Baronick
Image placeholder Gemüsehof Baronick
Image placeholder Gemüsehof Baronick


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Eisenbahnstr. 42/43
10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg

U1 Görlitzer Bahnhof
Bus 140 Wrangelstraße


The heart of Markthalle Neun is the market: vibrant stalls, a fish counter, glass-fronted bakeries, and a butcher’s shop; a brewery in the basement and open kitchens. Shopping here means getting up close and personal with food production, bringing it out of anonymity and into urban life. From Monday to Saturday, you’ll find a varying array of producers, traders, and restaurateurs. Check out who’s here and when.

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