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Kochschule Neun

With our non-profit Kochschule Neun, we have been committed to the nutritional turnaround in the Kreuzberg 36 neighbourhood since 2012. We do this by creating various educational programmes in the field of nutrition and implementing them in the historic premises of Markthalle Neun for and with our young and older neighbours. Our aim is to convey a love of food and everyday eating culture and to show that a sustainable and healthy diet can be affordable and enjoyable at the same time.

For Kids

We are convinced that children can and want to eat a healthy, balanced and sustainable diet if they are empowered to do so - if they understand the connections between our food system and enjoy their own diet and eating habits.

The food week

During the food week, we learn to cook together with children from various primary schools in Kreuzberg - we try our hand at food crafts, learn about the professions behind them and get up close and personal with agriculture during two farm visits. At the end of each project week, the pupils present their skills and cook a big meal for their family, teachers and themselves, and we eat together at a long table.

The ‘Lange Tafel‘

Since 2006, the artist Isabella Mamatis (Lange Tafel e.V.) has been organising the ‘Lange Tafel’, where she brings the entire neighbourhood together for a big spaghetti dinner at a long table in the middle of Markthalle Neun.

For Adults

There is also plenty on offer for adults at the Neun cookery school. Our current programmes are aimed at senior citizens or individual groups.

The senior cooking club

Together you eat less alone! Since July 2021, together with the AWO Spree Wuhle e.V. meeting centre on Adalbertstraße and the Wassertor multi-generation house, we have been inviting senior citizens to cook every two weeks at lunchtime on Tuesdays.

We come together – at the table, over the pot and to eat. While cooking delicious and healthy dishes together, we get to know each other and our culinary traditions. The aim is to spark mutual joy in cooking - to create communal and delicious moments.

If you would like to take part, just drop by or contact bildung@markthalleneun.de.

During the 2024 project period, we will also visit three other organisations that work with senior citizens in order to test our concept at other locations. The results will be used to produce a handbook, which will be available to download here free of charge at the end of 2024. The handbook will easily explain how to organise a similar cooking club on your own.

The ‘Kiezküche‘

We have even more culinary plans for 2025. You can find out more about this here soon.

We would like to thank the Heidehof Foundation, the Santor Foundation and the Wolfgang Boettger Group for their financial support for the realisation of the 2024 project period.

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Für Unterstützende

In order to realise our non-profit programmes, we rely on donations and funding from supporters every year. Only with your contributions can we offer our educational programme for school classes, youth and senior groups - we would like to wholeheartedly thank you for your support! If you would like to support our work, you are welcome to make a donation or contact us directly. A donation receipt can of course be issued.

If you would like to support us in the long term, you are cordially invited to become a member of the Kulturverein Markthalle Neun e.V.. With a regular donation of 5 euros or more per month, you can contribute to the sustainability of our projects and receive a quarterly newsletter about our current association activities.

  • Kulturverein Markthalle Neun e.V.
    IBAN: DE21 4306 0967 1176 7637 00
    GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG

  • Or via Paypal

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