Image placeholder Domberger Brot-Werk

Domberger Brot-Werk

  1. Today 12:00 – 18:00
  2. Tue – Fri
  3. Sat

In late summer of 2020, we had the pleasure of welcoming a new bakery to the Markthalle: Domberger Brotwerk with one of its "bread bridges”. Behind glass and well-lit, the Domberger team produces a beautiful selection of breads, as well as pretzels and sweet treats like traditional butter cake. From preparing the dough to baking, everything happens in the 18 square meters of the former swapbody. “With our hands and our brains, we turn flour, water and salt into a delicacy: fine bread.” says founder Florian Domberger.

Image placeholder Domberger Brot-Werk
Image placeholder Domberger Brot-Werk
Image placeholder Domberger Brot-Werk
Image placeholder Domberger Brot-Werk
Image placeholder Domberger Brot-Werk


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Eisenbahnstr. 42/43
10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg

U1 Görlitzer Bahnhof
Bus 140 Wrangelstraße


The heart of Markthalle Neun is the market: vibrant stalls, a fish counter, glass-fronted bakeries, and a butcher’s shop; a brewery in the basement and open kitchens. Shopping here means getting up close and personal with food production, bringing it out of anonymity and into urban life. From Monday to Saturday, you’ll find a varying array of producers, traders, and restaurateurs. Check out who’s here and when.

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