Image placeholder Agustos


  1. Today Closed
  2. Fri
  3. Sat

The Agustos Team is in Turkey from August to mid-September during the hazelnut harvest, so they are not on the market.

Ula and Alp are the hazelnut heroes of Markthalle Neun. Alp is the sixth generation of a family of hazelnut farmers from the Giresun region in northern Turkey. Famous for its hazelnuts, the Turkish hazelnut co-op decided in the 1980s to buy only one variety from farmers. This led to a drastic loss of hazelnut diversity in the region. A quarter of global production ends up in Nutella jars - 97% of which come from huge monocultures that cause massive damage to ecosystems.

Introducing Agustos. In 2021, Alp decided to make a change. He left his career as an environmental lawyer behind to revive the craft of his ancestors. Together with his wife Ula, he collects and breeds old varieties, promoting diversity in the region and challenging the big players in the hazelnut monopoly.

In Berlin, they are establishing direct sales to restaurants and producers, but also to end customers, like here in the Markthalle. Ula's and Alp's hazelnuts are something special. Not only do they taste good, they are also political heavyweights that you can really make an impact with by buying them.

Image placeholder Agustos
Image placeholder Agustos


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Eisenbahnstr. 42/43
10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg

U1 Görlitzer Bahnhof
Bus 140 Wrangelstraße


The heart of Markthalle Neun is the market: vibrant stalls, a fish counter, glass-fronted bakeries, and a butcher’s shop; a brewery in the basement and open kitchens. Shopping here means getting up close and personal with food production, bringing it out of anonymity and into urban life. From Monday to Saturday, you’ll find a varying array of producers, traders, and restaurateurs. Check out who’s here and when.

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