Image placeholder Churros My Love

Churros My Love

  1. Today Closed
  2. Sat

"Everything's better with churros" – this is the motto of Denisse, who founded Churros My Love to add the flavours of her childhood in Mexico to Berlin. Churros are a delicious fried dessert from Mexico that is now also finding its way into Germany. And rightly so, because also our market is better with churros.

Traditionally, they are sprinkled with sugar and served with a warm chocolate sauce, but at Denisse's you can not only see how the churros are freshly prepared, she also offers you a whole range of sauces to choose from.

Image placeholder Churros My Love
Image placeholder Churros My Love
Image placeholder Churros My Love


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Eisenbahnstr. 42/43
10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg

U1 Görlitzer Bahnhof
Bus 140 Wrangelstraße
Who is here today?
  1. Th: Market 12:00 – 18:00
  2. Street Food Thursday 17:00 – 22:00
  3. Fr: Market 12:00 – 18:00
  4. Sa: Market 10:00 – 18:00
  5. Su: CLOSED
  6. Mo: Market 12:00 – 18:00
  7. Play Date! 18:00 – 22:00
  8. Tu: Market 12:00 – 18:00
All dates


The heart of Markthalle Neun is the market: vibrant stalls, a fish counter, glass-fronted bakeries, and a butcher’s shop; a brewery in the basement and open kitchens. Shopping here means getting up close and personal with food production, bringing it out of anonymity and into urban life. From Monday to Saturday, you’ll find a varying array of producers, traders, and restaurateurs. Check out who’s here and when.

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