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Ø Stadt Land Food

From the archive:

Stadt Land Food currently isn't taking place.

Good food is a celebration - or even an entire festival! Our Stadt Land Food Festival took place in October 2014, 2016 and 2018 - in and around Markthalle Neun: a big stage for agriculture and artisanal food production, a platform for political dialogue and a new food culture. The idea: to tackle the food revolution at its roots together. Serving up proposals for a fairer society and looking deep into pots, pans and mind.

In the workshops, people sausaged, pickled, fermented and made cheese. Ideas became precious at the big market, with brutally local food artisans from all over Europe. And because good food affects everyone, good food should also be an everyday occurrence. For consumers, for producers, for the environment. What really fills us up? That's what we talked about, and questions about a good, fair life and its culinary framework were explored together.

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