Image placeholder Kinderflohmarkt


Twice a year - on a Sunday in spring and autumn - we invite all the Kleinis of Kreuzberg to sell and swap old stuff and homemade items at Markthalle Neun. Anything that is not nailed down is sold. Kleini2Kleini - the flea market for everyone who can count to 100 (except the adults).

Have you finished reading your old books? Fancy swapping your football for a basketball? Your roller skates no longer fit? Have you found some great shells on holiday or are you just fed up with your Lego figures? Then come along and join in! Of course, there are also treats for young and old!

And pssst: This is not a flea market where adults sell children's clothes.

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Monatliche Geschichten aus der Markthalle Neun!

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