Image placeholder Ø Brotzeit

Ø Brotzeit

From the archive:

BrotZeit is no longer taking place.

BrotZeit was a declaration of love for good bread. A day full of the smell of the oven. A day full of insights and perspectives on the micro- and macrocosm that unfolds between seeds, grain, flour, dough and baked goods.

What makes good bread, biscuits and pastries? Bakers and confectioners presented how they are developing their craft for the future! Bread is part of everyday life and culture, the bread and butter that we take for granted is the essence of many food cultures. Three times between 2016 and 2018, together with the independent bakers, we transformed Markthalle Neun into a large bakery for a day! We invited you to watch artisans at work and explore the world of doughs and mixes with all your senses. To an exchange of sourdough cultures, soul moulding and puff pastry tours.

What do old and new, organically bred grain varieties taste like, why is seed diversity so important? What are the differences between baking with yeast or sourdough? The time is ripe for a new, old way of baking! With BrotZeit, we wanted to encourage people to take the future of our oldest and most important foodstuff - in the truest sense of the word - into their own hands!

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