Image placeholder Naschmarkt


The idea for the Berlin Naschmarkt was born on a rainy summer Sunday in 2011: feel like you're in the land of milk and honey for a Sunday! A day of snacking on the best sweets in town!

We consume around 27 kilos of sweets per capita every year - often products from the supermarket. Yet in recent years, Berlin has seen an increasing number of artisan bakeries and food artisans who produce high-quality baked goods and sweets: A real sweet scene! Around 50 vendors now come together at every Naschmarkt. They are all artisan producers and their sweets meet very high quality standards. The Naschmarkt is a platform for established and well-known producers as well as a springboard for enthusiastic start-ups.

The Naschmarkt was initiated by Pamela Dorsch and Udo Tremmel - the Office for Culinary Measures. Together with Markthalle Neun and Slow Food Berlin, they have created a platform for all of Berlin's great artisan foodies.

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