Image placeholder Ø Berlin Coffee Festival

Ø Berlin Coffee Festival

From the archive:

The Berlin Coffee Festival is no longer taking place.

In recent years, a coffee scene has developed in Berlin, Germany and Europe that is bursting with curiosity and enthusiasm: Cafés that experiment with the bean with relish, roasting houses that focus intensively on the origin of their coffee and roast this variety of aromas and differences in flavour, not roast them away.

But despite all this enthusiasm, our favourite drink is in crisis if you look at the world market. The market price for green coffee is so low that many producers cannot make a living from it and have to give up. But what can a sustainable future for coffee look like?

With the Berlin Coffee Festival, we emphasised what is important to us: understanding all the steps required for good coffee and a transparent value chain that benefits everyone - farmers, roasters and taste. The Berlin Coffee Festival was a platform, a stage, for the progressive coffee world.

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