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Ø Wurst & Bier

From the Archive:

Wurst & Bier is no longer taking place.

Wurst & Bier... was all about the sausage! And the beer! Both are artisan products with a long tradition and history. Everyday delicacies in the best sense. Industrialised, banalised food at its worst. Hence sausage & beer.

A stage, a platform, a counter for young food artisans and a very old food craft. Brewers and butchers who once again believe in the quality of ingredients - even if not always in the purity law - who celebrate the diversity and plurality of two fairly fundamental products. Debates about flavour are definitely welcome. The Berlin Sausage & Beer Market in Markthalle Neun showcased artisan butchers and breweries from the Berlin-Brandenburg region and exciting guests from other regions of Germany and Europe. They all produce in the spirit of the Slow Food idea: artisanal, with natural ingredients and meat from animals raised in a species-appropriate manner. Naturally with tastings, films and activities on the topics of beer and sausage. After all, all theory is grey.

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