Image placeholder June's News from the Market

June's News from the Market

Every month we recommend our favourite new products and classics on the market. This month, fish is on the table. Take a look:

At Ağustos: Hazelnuts; decolonised.

Ula and Alp bring us their hazelnuts directly from the Turkish province of Giresun. The hazelnut industry in the region is heavily industrialised and has a long tradition. Now in the fourth generation of the family business, the couple are turning everything upside down: fair working conditions and biodiverse permaculture are the keywords here. Four different hazelnut varieties are available every Friday and Saturday at the large market.

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Bei Beet & Baum: Asparagus without.

On Fridays, they come fresh from the field, the white spears from the Kalkwitz asparagus farm, the only one in Brandenburg to grow asparagus without film. This means that the asparagus washes much more slowly, but is tastier and more environmentally friendly. There's a great report on this here.

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At Beet & Baum: Moabit Miso!

The production of miso paste is a millennia-old technique for preserving pulses together with other ingredients such as barley or rice. The result is a deeply satisfying umami flavour - the team from Mimi Ferments brings these techniques to Berlin - so you can't miss Mimi in the market hall either: in the Beet & Baum refrigerated section you'll find different types of miso and her shoyu.

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