Image placeholder New Website!

New Website!


In collaboration with the design agency Basics09, we thoroughly cleaned up online! Wiped, swept, vacuumed, reorganised and rebuilt. After a lot of hard work and thought, we are delighted to present you with our brand new website! A lot has happened: the design has been completely overhauled, new content has been added and we've taken lots of fresh photos to give you an even better insight.

These are the Highlights:

❤ All stands in the best light: Whether production, trade or catering - you can now find all the important information about the stands at a glance. Clear and up-to-date, so you always know who is there for you.

❤ Lunch: No more searching for the perfect lunch! On our new website, you can see directly where you can have lunch today - including a menu preview. Enjoy your meal!

❤ News from the hall: Our newsletter has always been popular, but now it's even easier! You can find all articles, recommendations and events bundled together on our new page. Always up-to-date and directly accessible.

❤ Calendar: What's happening today, tomorrow or in the coming weeks? Our new calendar gives you a clear overview of all events so that you don't miss anything. A must-have for all hall fans!

❤ Optimised user-friendliness: The site is now not only more attractive, but also much easier to navigate. Whether you're on a computer, tablet or smartphone, it's intuitive and smooth to use.

❤ Technical refinements: Our new website is not only a visual highlight, but also technically state-of-the-art. Faster loading times, better functions and overall optimised performance ensure an even better user experience.

❤ Design: Our website is characterised by a beautiful, clear design that is both simple and user-friendly. The collaboration with our in-house graphic designer Daniel Wiesmann has ensured that the design fits the hall perfectly!

Why has this website turned out so great?

Because we worked with great people! Neighbouring design agency Basics09 and their interdisciplinary team supported us from conception to implementation and did a great job. Thanks to their expertise, we can now do almost everything on our own - but we look forward to every opportunity to meet up with the team again.

A big thank you to Basics09! ❤ We would like to thank the whole team - not only did you create a fantastic website, but you also supported us professionally at every stage. Special thanks go to Korbinian Kainz and Ove Numrich for their tireless work, creative and technical advice.

While we're at it:

As happy as we are about our new website, a few mistakes can still happen with such a newly hatched thing. If you notice anything, we would be delighted to hear from you. Just write to us at

Take a look and discover our new website - we look forward to your feedback!

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