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Alex Ast

If you see someone milling around the buffalo mozzarella from Beet & Baum on a weekday, there's a good chance it's our Alex. Probably one of our most gourmet janitors, he hails from Beeskow in Brandenburg and grew up eating his father's food — Königsberger Klopse and beef roulades. Today, he says, things are a little lighter in his Kreuzberg kitchen. However, it is no less enjoyable. But Alex is not only a talented cook; as a trained carpenter and offset printer, he brings a great deal of craftsmanship to the maintenance team's repertoire.

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Nikolaus Driessen

Augsburg-born Florian Niedermeier and Bernd Maier have brought both with them from the south: a passion for good, artisanal food and the certainty that you have to break with tradition sometimes. Together with Nikolaus Driessen, who was involved in a neighbourhood initiative to preserve the market hall, they took over Markthalle Neun from the city of Berlin in 2011.

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Ralf Bussian

From a technical point of view, nothing can go wrong in the Markthalle Neun, as Ralf Bussian and his team are out and about daily. They screw and hammer and in between drink a Heidenpeters Fassbrause to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Ralf is a locksmith, but has also worked as a parquet layer, window maker as well as a hardware dealer in another Markthalle. Ralf and his team are real jacks-of-all-trades — without whom nothing would run around here. His enthusiasm for good, simple, home-cooked food brought him to the Markthalle. His favourite dish, for example: meatballs with leek.

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Benjamin Schuth

Benjamin has been part of our janitorial team since 2024 and always makes appointments on time: especially appointments for shared culinary delights. Every Tuesday at 12 noon, you can find him enjoying a plate of truffle pasta at the lunch table. We couldn't have done better with Benjamin, because in him we not only have a talented caretaker, but also someone who really appreciates and enjoys good food.

His hobbies are football, the police and listening to music, and the Markthalle's waste disposal room is his domain.

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Carina Reckers

On her journey from Münsterland via Italy to Berlin, Carina's bag always contained a tasty treat (often a piece of cheese). Carina believes that understanding the world through food is both educational and delicious. Studying gastronomic sciences at the Slow Food University solidified that good food, good farming and the people behind it are what Carina spends most of the day thinking about. At Markthalle Neun, she manages communication, provides conceptual advice for the weekly market and organises Sunday markets.

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Frederic Erdl

Frederic didn't meet the Managing Directors of Markthalle Neun in their shared hometown Augsburg. But unknown to all of them, they shared a passion for good food for many years.

After working in the Swiss Alps, an excursion into the world of tea and a degree at the Italian Slow Food University, things came together for him at Markthalle Neun. This is where he is responsible for business and organisational development.

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Heidi Kosche

Heidi is a great friend and the good soul of Markthalle Neun. She looks after our garden on a voluntary basis, tending to it and defending it against slugs and feline invaders. In the garage courtyard next to the hall, she has created a real recreational area and regularly invites the team and traders to take a break from everyday life in the hall - usually with coffee and cake.

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Mago Weidemann

Mago Weidemann has been supporting the Markthalle Neun ‘Kulturverein’ (cultural association) since 2024, contributing his experience in gastronomy and the cultural sector. With a passion for food, educational work and a power-critical view on food, he complements the Neun Cooking School with a variety of perspectives and approaches. However, he has also been on the road as a researcher and, in retrospect, has been researching public canteens: In his master's thesis, Mago analysed the menu of the Moabit prison in the 19th century. Mago is interested in the diverse contexts of stories, recipes and dishes, and he infects us all with his enthusiasm!

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Olivier Witzkewitz

Although Olivier has roots in Italy and France, he is a true Bremen native at heart. After studying sociology and travelling around the world, he ended up in the food service industry, where he founded the catering service ‘Gebrüder Witzkewitz’ with his brother and ventured into self-employment. In 2017, he ended up at Markthalle Neun and has been contributing his gastronomic experience to the organisation of Street Food Thursday, our Sunday markets and caterings ever since.

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Roman Dashuber

Roman is a child of the Alps and moved to Berlin while studying psychology, where he temporarily worked as a project manager at an environmental think tank. However, his passion for good food and good farming brought him to Markthalle Neun. Inevitably, because since 2015 he has shown that we couldn't imagine anyone better to run our weekly market.

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Ute Peppersack

Ute originally comes from beautiful Cologne and spent a few years studying in South Tyrol. She designs and builds mobile kitchens for one of our favourite Berlin associations Über den Tellerrand e.V. and enjoys being in the kitchen herself just as much. Her favourite thing to do is work with dough - so long as it's tasty carbohydrates, she is all for it! Ute is part of the communications team at Markthalle Neun. You can usually find her in the Markthalle, equipped with camera and smartphone, walking through the market where she looks forward to sharing beautiful and funny Markthalle stories with our community.

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Anna Kabacinska

Anna ist für alles Operative und Konzeptionelle im Kulturverein zuständig. Hier geht sie mit Groß und Klein auf gemeinsame kulinarische Entdeckungsreisen und sorgt für den kulinarischen Wissensaustausch: jeder kann hier etwas lernen und eigene Erfahrungen einbringen. Ob am Herd oder auf dem Acker, Essen wird bei ihr mit allen Sinnen erlebt.

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Eugen Kunau

Eugen is the number cruncher at Markthalle Neun. With a degree in business administration, he ensures that all accounting and controlling processes run smoothly. He came from Dushanbe to Germany as a child with his parents - to Bleibach in the Black Forest. His childhood cuisine is characterised by dishes from Russia and Baden, which he loves in equal measure. He came to the Markthalle by chance, but quickly became enthusiastic about the concept and the various market formats, which offer merchants and restaurateurs the opportunity to try out new concepts without having to commit to large investments. As Head of Commerce, he ensures that Markthalle Neun is and remains economically successful.

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Luca Wörndel

We have welcomed Luca to our team in 2024. Luca was born and raised in Berlin and has been working in the city's hospitality industry for many years. After a short excursion into technical environmental protection, however, she stumbled across Markthalle Neun - and became our new apprentice in event management. Together with the rest of the market team, she organises events such as Street Food Thursday or our Sunday markets and ensures that everything runs smoothly.

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Daniel Wiesmann

We could go on and on about how many prizes Daniel has already won with his work. Or which studios he has already worked in. Or where he studied. Or we could simply tell you what a great guy he is. That he can capture the feeling of the Markthalle like no other because he simply knows it so well.

Daniel is Markthalle Neun's chief graphic designer. He created the extraordinary posters and graphics that you can discover in and around the Markthalle. From small signs to large screen prints for our Sunday markets: it's all there. Clear imagery despite an almost childlike lightness.

You can read all this and more on Daniel's website.

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Kolja Richter

Kolja joined us as an intern at the Markthalle and has been an indispensable project assistant since 2024. He organised Sunday markets with us, took photos, wrote texts and hosts stage talks like no other. He's the guy who can usually be found in intense conversations about mushrooms, yeasts or other microorganisms at the market. He is now studying gastronomic sciences at the Slow Food University in Italy - as many of our team members have already done.

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