Image placeholder June's Street Food of the Month

June's Street Food of the Month

‘Every metropolis lives from the mobility of the people who live in it - people come and go, bring their personal and cultural traditions and leave behind a contribution to the complexity – and thus to the special character and attraction of a city,’ says author Ursula Heinzelmann.

Since 2013 and every Thursday, our street food traders have been showing what makes this city so special: Their culinary stories. Every month we introduce you to one of our street food traders.

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Yao Guo on the "Süßen Bühne" at our yearly Naschmarkt.

Chao She - Beijing in Berlin

Yao Guo and her team have been part of Markthalle Neun for more than two years. Graphic designer and baking artist Yao started out with handmade northern Chinese tea cakes - filled with yasmine tea, jujube or bean paste. Any hearts she hadn't won with her sweet offerings and showwomanship at the 2023 Naschmarkt were enamoured at the latest when she expanded her range to include Xian Bing meat cakes. The recipe for the juiciest and most flavourful beef cakes this hall has ever seen is now available to copy at her stand!

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