
Tacos, Tacos, Tacos!

Image placeholder Tacos, Tacos, Tacos!

Las Chilangas are an integral part of Street Food Thursday and there is always a queue for their famous Taco el Pastor. All this excitement for a taco? Yes, and rightly so!

Our street food of the month comes straight from Mexico City: the taco el pastor was probably developed from the Arabic meat dish shawarma, which was once brought to Mexico by Lebanese immigrants. Today, it is one of the country's most popular dishes. At Las Chilangas, juicy organic pork is marinated on a skewer, grilled and draped in fresh corn tacos. The whole thing is topped with crunchy onions, sweet pineapple, fresh coriander and melted cheese - optionally topped with fiery salsa. Their vegan version with marinated cactus is definitely worth a taco too. Paired with an ice-cold margarita from Big Stuff, we celebrate Mexico's Dia De la Independencia in September. Viva México y buen provecho!

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