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July's news from the market

Every month we recommend our favourite new products and classics on the market. Take a look:

At Beet & Baum: Seasonal products in boxes!

Beans and carrots, beets and greens galore. Whatever the vegetable patch has to offer - and that's a lot - is available in the Tiny Farms seasonal box at the Beet & Baum stand. The produce is grown according to the Market Garden principle, i.e. organic-intensive, on a small area, without toxic pesticides.

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At Werners Kräutergarten: Eat some flowers!

Have a sniff! Pretty, fragrant, tasty and healthy! Freshly harvested and home-grown. Every year we are delighted with Werner's marigolds, fuchsias, basil flowers, nasturtiums & co. A colourful bouquet of delicacies. 

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At Beet & Baum: Goes down like oil!

Gut Ogrosen have pressed really great oils especially for Beet & Baum. Handcrafted and carefully processed, from our own Demeter-certified farm and almost 100 kilometres away. Hemp oil, linseed oil and sunflower oil are available in top quality.

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