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Exponat Käse 2024

Exponat Käse: Rinds

Rinds are shop windows, contemporary documents, cheese labels.

When viewed up close, unexpectedly beautiful landscapes can often be discovered. They are complex ecosystems of microbial communities, actually biofilms. They consist of countless different bacteria and fungi whose constant interaction and development is influenced by the conditions of their environment: Temperature, humidity and air movement. This results in three major types of rind in infinite variations: Natural rinds, white and blue-green moulded rinds, washed rinds.

To eat or not to eat? Actually, yes. But (firstly): some cheese rinds are treated with fungicides, in which case they are explicitly labelled as ‘not suitable for human consumption’. But (secondly): some cheeses are covered with a coating, a thin plastic film. Otherwise: when encountering a new cheese, always try the inside first, the paste, and then a piece of the (usually much stronger) rind. Then decide for yourself: do I eat it or not?

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