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Finca Pascualete

Finca Pascualete, located in the heart of Extremadura in western Spain, produces 100% natural cheese from sheep’s milk. The sheep graze on a diverse landscape of Holm Oaks, Cork Oaks, and aromatic herbs like juniper, thyme, and rosemary, which imparts a unique flavor to the cheese.

The family-run Finca Pascualete adheres to centuries-old traditions, meticulously controlling every step of production—from raising and milking the sheep to hand-pressing and aging the cheeses. The cheese reflects the distinct flavors of the Extremadura landscape, bringing a taste of the region directly to the table.


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Exhibitors Program Fenster zum Hof Our curator Exponat: Käse
Cheese Berlin 03.11.2024 • 11:00–18:00
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Explore, taste, educate and shop!

Cheese Berlin has been one of the most important events for artisan cheese since 2012. Every year, together with author and curator Ursula Heinzelmann, we bring together cheesemakers, affineurs and specialised retailers from all over Germany, Europe and beyond to Markthalle Neun in Kreuzberg. This is where people come together for whom cheese is much more than just a tasty treat - cheese is a means of understanding and shaping the world.

An exciting programme accompanies the market: Heinzelcheesewalks, Meet the Cheese tastings, the Meet the Cheese Makers stage and plenty of professional exchange.

Cheese Berlin brings visitors closer to the diversity and specialities of artisan cheeses and enables direct contact between producers and consumers. As a meeting point for an interested trade audience, Cheese Berlin offers space for dialogue and networking.


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Winner ’Fenster zum Hof‘ 2023 - Hofkäserei Heggelbach

Fenster zum Hof

Since 2017, Cheese Berlin has been awarding an honorary award: the Fenster zum Hof (translates to the window to the farm). With this award, we honour a producer that comes particularly close to the ideal. A dairy that demonstrates how and that it is possible to

  • use resources sustainably,

  • work with natural conditions instead of against them,

  • respect animals as partners,

  • not exploit personal resources or those of employees,

  • achieve long-term financial stability.

Our curator

Author Ursula Heinzelmann is accompanying us for more than 10 years. With her in-depth knowledge, which she has acquired through years of travelling and direct involvement with local artisan traditions, she gives Cheese Berlin a clear and unvarnished view of the food world - characterised by a deep respect for the people and methods that we offer a stage to with Cheese Berlin. Heinzelmann attaches particular importance to making the people, animals and work behind the products visible and passing on these values in her work as a curator.

Her Heinzelcheesetalks are flavourful explorations of cheese and wine that take place once a month in Markthalle Neun. Ursula Heinzelmann's commitment and deep connection to the world of food culture make her an indispensable voice in the cosmos of Markthalle Neun.

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Exponat: Käse

Since 2023, we have been putting together the ‘ Exponat: Käse’ exhibition and inviting visitors to take a closer look at cheese. The focus is on artisan cheeses and their makers, who embody the diversity and depth of this traditional craft.

The exhibits are illuminated under changing themes. Informative displays, interactive elements and tastings at the end of the market turn the exhibition into a dynamic experience that promotes appreciation for the world of cheese.



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