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Strolling through Market Hall Nine with a basket full of goodies. Strawberries from Werder and the aroma of freshly baked sourdough bread. Peeking into the glass-fronted butcher shop. Cheese from the Urstromtal and beer brewed in the cellar. Seniors eating together instead of alone, while schoolchildren learn how milk turns into cheese. A quick chat at the fish counter with a neighbor about the start of asparagus season. A gardener from Rüdnitz recommends cabbage and beets—who would have thought?

Over a decade ago, Market Hall IX was at risk of becoming just an empty shell. Three discount stores and a coffee stand were the last remaining tenants. The city decided to sell it. Thanks to the community's efforts, it wasn't sold to the highest bidder, but to the best concept. A network of food enthusiasts formed, gradually revitalizing the market hall, step by step, between market stalls and workbenches. What emerged is a place that brings together everything that makes urban neighborhoods worth living in.

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Foto: Carla Ulrich

From Mondays to Saturdays, the Markthalle Neun offers a wide range of products: from everyday essentials to specialities from all over the world. Many of our vendors are regional producers who accompany their products from origin to marketing. Others are traders who know the story behind their goods. Transparent bakeries and a butcher's shop, a small brewery, a patisserie and open kitchens bring food production out of anonymity and back into urban life. Cookery courses for children and young people impart knowledge and skills in handling food. The street food market shows Berlin as a creative and diverse food culture metropolis.

In addition to selling food, the market hall offers space for local initiatives and projects that deal with topics such as nutrition, the city, agriculture and the environment. Markthalle Neun provides impetus for a sustainable and fair food supply in the city and welcomes the socially necessary debate on the subject.

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