Image placeholder Invitation to apply for a central stand

Invitation to apply for a central stand

Since the 1990s, Inge and the coffee stand in the middle of Markthalle Neun have been a meeting point for neighbours, traders and visitors. From early in the morning with a cup of coffee and breakfast for local residents, Inge has always been available for a pleasant chat and delighted visitors from all over the world with the simplicity of a cup of coffee with their morning sandwich. After 34 years, Inge is finally calling it a day.

Who are we looking for?

The coffee stand is to be re-opened. We are looking for operators with relevant gastronomic experience, an understanding of quality in line with our concept and an awareness of the social significance of the location, who are keen to run this central location in the market hall with a low-threshold, tangible and socially and culturally inclusive concept in the long term.

Image placeholder Invitation to apply for a central stand
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What we wish for

  • Socially and culturally inclusive concept

  • Approachable and qualitatively impeccable offer

  • Week-spanning opening hours

  • A social meeting place

If you think you're the right person, write us:

Image placeholder Invitation to apply for a central stand

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