
August's News from the Market

Image placeholder August's News from the Market

Every month we recommend our favourite new products and classics on the market. This month, fish is on the table. Take a look:

At Frisch Gefischt: Don't be afraid of fresh fish!

For John, it's crystal clear: preparing fish is child's play. Nevertheless, many people are worried about ruining fresh fish. Take courage, we say! With the right advice and a dose of adventure, nothing can go wrong. Your trusted fishmonger will take you by the hand: from turbot to mackerel, whether boiling, poaching, steaming, frying or grilling, seafood or seaweed. Don't forget: Always butter the fish!

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At Goldhahn & Sampson: Antique fish sauce

Already the ancient Romans knew what was good - just like Goldhahn & Sampson! The Italian fish sauce made from pressed, salted anchovies - called colatura di alici - from Delfino Battista is based on the Roman seasoning sauce garum and is traditionally made on the Amalfi Coast. For all home cooks, we recommend: Spaghetti alla colatura di alici. Bene sapiat!

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At Oleo Gustus: Fishy, Salty, Good!

Lionel - our market expert when it comes to animal, Mediterranean delicacies - has salty, delicious premium tinned fish from the north of Spain in his range. His favourites from La Brujula: N°30 - sardines from the Galician Atlantic coast in olive oil and N°135 - spicy mussels cultivated in the estuaries of Galicia. Fish, fish, hooray!

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At Der Falsche Franzose: Umami from Alsace

André (the fake Frenchman) has new wines from Alsace. On the subject of fish, he recommends the Cuvée Umami from Domaine Mitternacht Freres. The blend of different grape varieties is best enjoyed, as the name suggests, with Asian dishes with raw fish. Santé André!

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