Image placeholder 10 Years Über den Tellerrand

10 Years Über den Tellerrand

10th-anniversary celebration on 15/09/ from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Über den Tellerrand e.V. has been creating encounters at eye level for ten years. To mark its anniversary on Sunday, September 15, the Berlin-based association would like to bring people together at Markthalle Neun to cook, dance, listen to live music and celebrate.

Look forward to a day full of exciting activities, delicious food and great encounters. You can also get to know the association, the team and all the volunteers! Come and join us!

You can expect
Cookery courses for adults and children
Dance workshops
live music
Make-up and glitter ‘for young and old’
‘Outside the box cinema’ with popcorn
Photo box with dressing up box
Play corner and craft station for children
Chill&Cay area
and much more.

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