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Economic Hub Markthalle Neun

Markthalle Neun is a vibrant economic hub, home to 29 small and medium-sized businesses. Among them are eight artisanal production sites, renowned for their high-quality craftsmanship. The market provides nearly 400 jobs and plays a key role in training the next generation of skilled workers, with 12 apprentices currently learning their trade.

With around 1.5 million visitors annually, Markthalle Neun is a major draw for both locals and visitors from further afield. Beyond its economic significance, the market is also deeply committed to education. The Markthalle Neun Cultural Association supports educational initiatives in the field of nutrition, with funding increasing each year: from €55,000 in 2021 to €90,000 in 2022, and €110,000 in 2023. This growth highlights the expanding role of Markthalle Neun not only as a place of commerce but also as a key player in promoting knowledge about food and nutrition.

  • 29 small and medium-sized businesses

  • including 8 artisanal production sites

  • nearly 400 jobs

  • 12 apprentices

  • around 1.5 million visitors annually

  • Markthalle Neun Cultural Association – support for educational programs in the field of nutrition:
    2021: €55,000,
    2022: €90,000,
    2023: €110,000.

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