Image placeholder Prosit – Berlin's Beverage Festival

Prosit – Berlin's Beverage Festival

On 22 September, Markthalle Neun will be the best Späti in town from 12pm to 7pm!

The ‘Prosit!’ series at Markthalle Neun continues: Sunday celebrations dedicated to what is possibly the most beautiful thing in the world: Toasting together. On offer: great drinks from Berlin and the surrounding area - as always from artisan producers and in direct contact with producers and experts. An extensive supporting programme with a stage, workshops and live music!

Berlin hasn't just been known for its love of drinking since yesterday. Intoxicating days and nights at the Späti and in corner pubs, in parks and clubs require liquid accompaniment. Fortunately, Berlin is home to a variety of drinks that can quench the city's thirst for socialising.

What's there to drink? A Berliner Allerlei: classics like Kümmel, Pfeffi or Eierlikör - insanely good. Historical favourites like real Berlin sour beer. And an almost endless selection of fermented drinks from orchards, vineyards - and from Marzahn. We wish you a good sip!

Image placeholder Prosit – Berlin's Beverage Festival

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