Food Shapers Workshop Series: Agro-Innovations in Smart Cities

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Júlia Dalmadi, Future Food Institute Botschafterin, wird in den kommenden Wochen vier Workshops in der Markthalle Neun veranstalten. Vier Wochen lang gibt es jeweils Samstagmorgen die Möglichkeit, ein Forschungsthema anhand von Fallstudien der Food Innovation Program Global Mission in multidisziplinären Gruppen zu diskutieren. Ziel ist es, ein Gespräch über die Zukunft des Essens zu führen, einen gemeinsamen Raum für Brainstorming und Ideenfindung zu schaffen und Maßnahmen für eine positive nachhaltige Wirkung zu initiieren. Die Workshops finden auf Englisch statt – are you in?

Der Workshop findet im Markthallen Restaurant, Pücklerstraße 34, statt.

Agro-Innovations in Smart Cities

The world is rapidly becoming more urban, and we will require food systems that grow to match this development. In 2013, for the first time in human history, more than 50% of our global population resided in cities.
The UN projects that by 2030 cities will hold more than 60% of the world population. This means more pressures, both in terms of inputs and outputs. Climate change and increased variability mean cities require a food system that is more resilient, accessible, and equitable than those that currently exist.
The needs of every city is different. New York has different needs than Bangkok, and Bangkok has different needs than Berlin. So no one model fits all cities. However, the researchers of the Food Innovation Global Mission have found certain best practices that can serve as models for stakeholders anywhere to shape the urban food systems of the future.
Applying these principles will help urban planners ensure we create cities that do more than support agricultural production, but instead move cities towards a future where they actively cultivate life.

The workshop has limited seats for 20 participants. You can get your ticket here.

Single ticket €25 (1 workshop + 1 book download for free)
Global Mission ticket €69 (all 4 workshops + entire book series download for free)