Food Shapers Workshop: Future of Food Service

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Júlia Dalmadi, Future Food Institute Botschafterin, wird in den kommenden Wochen vier Workshops in der Markthalle Neun veranstalten. Vier Wochen lang gibt es jeweils Samstagmorgen die Möglichkeit, ein Forschungsthema anhand von Fallstudien der Food Innovation Program Global Mission in multidisziplinären Gruppen zu diskutieren. Ziel ist es, ein Gespräch über die Zukunft des Essens zu führen, einen gemeinsamen Raum für Brainstorming und Ideenfindung zu schaffen und Maßnahmen für eine positive nachhaltige Wirkung zu initiieren. Die Workshops finden auf Englisch statt – are you in?

Der Workshop findet im Markthallen Restaurant, Pücklerstraße 34, statt.

Food Care: Future of Food Service

Food is a communicative practice that upholds and builds a connection with people, places, and culture. With that perspective in mind, the foodservice industry is evolving into the food care industry. This means that consumers want food, and, thus, the foodservice industry, to provide more than mere nutrition. Consumers want the experience and human connection that food can facilitate. We predict that such intangible and social preferences will grow in breadth, depth, and urgency, eventually transforming those preferences into demands in the food industry.
Using a grid analysis tool, we can compare three scenarios (reconnection, customization, and food values) through the lenses of consumers, providers, and facilitators. In this context, reconnection is defined as the need for human relationships and interactions; customization as human’s personal needs (religious, dietary, and allergy-related); and food values as environmental, ethical, and social considerations when making decisions about food.
The world doesn’t change when scientists invent something new; rather, the world changes when consumers change their expectations as a result of those new inventions. Similarly, the food innovations will not change the world on their own; rather, innovations will change the world when consumers adjust their purchasing decisions to reflect the consequences of those innovations upon their understanding of “food".
The challenge is not so much to predict the future as it is to shape it.

The workshop has limited seats for 20 participants. Get your ticket here.
Single ticket €25 (1 workshop + 1 book download for free)
Global Mission ticket €69 (all 4 workshops + entire book series download for free)